Splitting Distribution Ducts

Splitting Distribution Ducts


In some situations, it is convenient to use a combination of both 24 Distribution-duct and 12 Distribution-ducts.  In that case, a DuctJoint can be used to split a 24 Distribution-duct into two 12-Distribution-ducts. For this lesson, we will use the Trench Pattern and Subscribers as shown in the image (GardenTrench is already generated). To ensure that the Distribution-subducts are connected color to color through the DuctJoint we will work backwards: beginning to connect the Subscribers in the green circles to a DuctJoint placed on the T-joint in the middle, then connecting the DuctJoint to the DP on the far left and finally connecting the subscribers in the purple circle to the DP. The right image shows the SubDuct connections in the DuctJoint when finished. Notice that SubDuct connection colors on the left (incoming) match the colors on the right (outgoing). Also note that on the left side of the DuctJoint connections there are 8 colors without a label/name (brown, black, orange, blue, magenta, grey and orange and blue again). These are the Subducts that are used to connect to the subscribers in the Purple circle, before the DuctJoint, hence they are not available (anymore).

image: To relate subscribers to the DP, in the purple circle we use a 24 Distribution-duct. At the junction, we use a DuctJoint and two 12 Distribution-ducts to relate the remaining subscribers in the green circles. 

To Do

Connect Subscribers using a combination of a 24 Distribution-duct and 12 Distribution-ducts

First, we place a DuctJoint, and use the command “Cluster with Multicable” (alt-M) to connect two 12 Distribution-Duct to the top right six Subscribers and the bottom 8 Subscribers respectively.

Step 1

Place a DuctJoint at the junction. 

Step 2

In InfraMap select the top right 6 Subscribers which must be connected to the DuctJoint using the 1st 12 D-Duct and select the DuctJoint itself. Select the command “Cluster with Multi cable”  (InfraMap>Home>Options>Cluster Objects>Cluster with Multicable, keyboard shortcut <Alt><M>)

Step 3

Four  consecutive windows appear:

1.      Select the “DuctJoint” (top line) as the central object.

2.      Select “DuctEnd” as a terminator.

3.      Select “Distribution-Duct” as the connection to use

4.      Select Spec 2 (12 Distribution-Subduct) as the specification. This will tell IMS to use a Distribution-Duct containing 12 Distribution-Subducts for the connection


Step 4

Move the end terminator (dark brown) to the end of the trench (remember to use )

Step 5

Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 for the remaining 8 Subscribers after the DuctJoint. 

image: Result after adding two 12 D-ducts.

Step 6

Not all the Distribution-Subducts of the two 12 Distribution-Duct are in use. The first 12 Distribution-Duct have only 6 Subscriber connected, the second 12 Distribution-Duct cable has 8 Subscriber connected. This means we have 6 cables left on the first Distribution-Duct and 4 on the second. We are going to manually disconnect those cables on both sides of the DuctJoint to make room for the Subscriber on the left. More precisely: by disconnecting the unused Distribution-Subducts we ensure two things: first, IMS will connect the Subscriber on the left with these unused Subducts, secondly, this method guarantees that the color order stays intact. Using the connecting sub-objects window we’re going to disconnect the unused cables.

Select the DuctJoint and select <F12> for the connect subobjects window.


Step 7

From the first 12 Distribution-Subducts connections (represented by lines) select the bottom 6 and delete them. From the second set of 12 Distribution-Subducts select the bottom 4 and delete them. Use the <Shift> button to select multiple lines. Pres the <Del> button and select <Yes> in the window that appears. Repeat this procedure on the left side of the window: delete the 6 & 4 lines representing the Distribution-SubDucts. Now, there is room for the final 8 Subscribers to connect. 

image: deleting subduct connections in DuctJoint.

Step 8

The last step is the connection between the left 8 Subscribers and the DP using the Subducts that are unused in the 24 Distribution-Duct. Proceed as follows: First, we will lay out a 24 Distribution-Duct between the DP and the DuctJoint. Next, we will auto-connect the 8 remaining Subscribers on the left using the command “Connections on Objects”.

Select both the DP and the DuctJoint and select the command “Connect Objects” (InfraMap>Home>Objects>Connect Objects, Keyboard shortcut <Ctrl><Shift><C>)

A window appears. Make sure that the DP is on the left side, and the DuctJoint on the right. Press the swap button (< >) in the middle if necessary. If you do not place the DP on the left you will not be able to select a Distribution-Duct connection for it. Select Distribution-Duct Out 01 in the dropdown menu for the DP; select Distribution-Duct In 01 in the dropdown menu for the DuctJoint. From the connection type, drop-down menu select Distribution-Duct. Make sure that you select the output and input types first, or else you won’t be able to select a connection type: the drop-down menu stays empty.

Step 9

When selecting <OK> in the previous step,  a window appears to select the type of Distribution-Duct to use between the DP and the DuctJoint: this will be the 24 Distribution-Duct we began this lesson with. 

Step 10

Select the DuctJoint and select <F12> for the connect subobjects window. Remove the unused subducts that result in the following image.

Step 11

The DP and DuctJoint are now connected with a 24 Distribution-Duct. The final step consists of the auto connection of the remaining 8 Subscribers. Proceed as follows.

Set the layer in the Layer Panel of InfraMap to Distribution-SubDuct (Not Duct). In the Map all select a Distribution-Subduct between DP and DuctJoint, together with the 8 remaining subscribers.  Select the command “Connections on objects” (InfraMap>Home>Objects>Connect Objects>Connection on Objects, Keyboard shortcut <Shift><F12>)

A Window appears to confirm the connection of 8 objects. Select <OK>


All the subscribers are now connected to the DP through a combination of a 24Distribution-Duct and two 12Distribution-Ducts.

Adding up all the connections (8 + 6 + 8 =22) reveals that there are 2 connections left. Since one spare connection is mandatory according to project requirements, there remains 1 free connection. If you want to use this free Subduct for a Subscriber connection, select the Distribution-SubDuct in the Map Panel together with the subscribe and use to command “Connections on objects” (InfraMap>Home>Objects>Connect Objects>Connection on Objects, Keyboard shortcut <Shift><F12>).

Use the connect subobjects window to determine if a connection is free or occupied. If it is occupied, it will show the label in Yellow.

image: red Highlighted subducts are occupied. You can see this by the light yellow color.

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